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Join the HELPCA network

Who benefits from The HELPCA Network?

Farmers or a Farmers market vendors:
Do you want your customers to reach you online? Are you looking for an easy way to take their orders and fulfill them?

Small businesses, stores or restaurants:
Do you want to be able to be able to serve your customers that can no longer come to your store or restaurant? DO you need to organise pick ups to  avoid long lines? Are you looking for a new and stable revenue stream with delivery services with no start-up cost?

Community Leaders, or Activists:
Do you want to promote a tool to help consume sustainable local food and goods? Do you want to strengthen your local community by building and  tightening  connections in your local community?

Associations of small businesses, farmers' markets or municipalities:
Do you want to support a smooth transition from offline to online? Are you looking for solutions to revive the economy you're managing? Are you looking to expand and find new ways of reaching customers?

Artists communities:
Are you looking for a way to get your creations picked up and delivered to more people who can benefit from your beautiful products in a local area?

We can HELP.


HELPCA was developed to connect local vendors with local buyers to support each other as a community.

It was born in Costa Ballena to support our community during the COVID-19 crisis, with the goal of guaranteeing safe access to local, natural pesticide-free produce, while ensuring that our small businesses stay alive and thrive. We made it sustainable, eco-friendly and focused on what counts: the community we serve.

HELPCA pillars:


How can you use HELPCA in your community?

Our team gives you access to HELPCA technology platform, share our methodology and work with your team to custom design a model that works just for YOU, because each community is unique.

How to be part of HELPCA Network?

We will help you set up your own organisation, manage the customization of the ordering platform, help you through the first round of deliveries. Then we will stay connected so that we can all learn from each other in the HELPCA network.

3 steps:

1. Application review
We review your community information, what your goals  are, how your incorporate sustainability as a core principle, and  who will  work with us to confirm we can support you at this stage!

2. Community Need Analysis 
For each step of the process, we will identify and address the specific needs of your community.

3. Implementation
We set you up for success with the right technology and training.


How much am I expected to participate in the HELPCA network cost?

You can expect a set-up fee and monthly access fee based on the volume of sales managed on  HELPCA technology platform.

We grow as you grow because our core values are community sustainability and supporting each other.

Application is FREE until COViD-19 restrictions are lifted.

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